We've made it through two years of high school…only two more to go. There really is so much to expect in
junior year, and sometimes it can seem so overwhelming. If we think back to our sophomore or freshman year, we watched the Juniors run around like crazy at times. It's a fairly stressful year, so knowing what to expect in junior year means being able to plan ahead to make your way through it unscathed.
When I was a freshman, I was a little envious of those upperclassmen. They seemed so big, so mature, and cool, right? Now I'm one of them. Where did the time go? Now I'm part of the upper echelon. I'm an upperclassman! While this means I've grown up a bit and "rule the school," I also now have even more responsibility to those coming next. I can be the one to offer advice. It becomes easier to show your faith on campus by leading by example, and underclassmen look to you to set that example.
I never really expected junior life as it is right now. When I was still an underclassman, whenever I see upperclassmen chatting and running around crazy and all, all I can think of is that their life is easier than ours. But that image was destroyed. I never expected junior life to be so stressful. I always sleep late because of the mountain loads of homework. I'm always stressed out emotionally and physically. We're asked to make this blog related to our junior life experiences in our English life. But I would also like to describe junior life in general.
From the classical play Romeo and Juliet, I've surely learned a lot of things from that activity. We were asked to act it out and surprisingly all of us did a great job. But that wasn't enough.
We had a radio drama and the theme assigned to us is horror. That time, we had a hard time making the script since it's really hard to scare people nowadays. Our group worked together and we finished the script and was able to perform it well.
Then there goes the oration. To be honest, I was a bit happy when ma'am said that we're going to do an oration. Want to know why? It's because since I was in elementary level, I was always asked to memorize poems and stories for competitions so I missed that memorizing stuff. I think I didn't have a hard time memorizing the piece. We are asked to choose the theme of our piece. I choose sex

I really don't know what jazz chant is all about until Vince explained what it would be like. Among us, Vince is the one who really worked hard for this activity making him earn extra points in our grade.
And lastly, our most successful activity, the conventional speech. We're not actually sure at first if we can deliver the whole piece since we've been stuck in the first stanza for two weeks already. But one of my classmates suggested that we should move on to the next stanzas and leave the first stanza for polishing. Jochelle, Rain, Me, Cydney and Laurice are the ones who contributed a great part in this activity. We planned and think on how we are all going to deliver this considering that we're classified according to the pitch of our voices. What we did is we taught them how to say it first and while the four of us, Rain, Jochelle, Cydney and Me, planned for the other stanzas, Laurice is the one managing the class. She makes sure that everyone participates and speaks whenever asked to. She is also the one who approves of the things that the four of us think of. This activity is by far our most successful one. And I'm happy to brag that we got the highest grade among the batch. When ma'am announced it, I was so overwhelmed that I cried a little. Because all of our hard works, all of the scoldings that we did was really worth it after all.
So that's basically the major activities that we have done for the English subject this year. To sum it up, all of these activities are really stressful but once finished/accomplished every single drop of your sweat is worth it.
Junior year is by far the most stressful, most wild and most happy year in high school. Well I think all will agree that there's really just too much homework given to us to be done in one night! So I'm pretty sure that all of us stays up all night not just because of Facebook, but also because of the shit load homework and projects.
I've had the most wonderful experiences ever and it all happened this school year. I did my first classical play, I did my first jazz chant, my first radio drama, my first and last SSG campaign and lastly I've made a lot of friends this year. These experiences, I believe had molded me into a better person and makes me strive harder next time. I always want to do my best in everything that I will do so that I will be satisfied with the results.

worth it. I've made a lot of friends this year that will surely be one of the most unforgettable things in my high school life. Especially the friends I've made during the campaign for SSG. I never even thought that we would be so close to each other that every single day I miss the moments that we once shared. In a short period of time, we were able to build a strong and tight bond among us. We all trust and support each other through the toughest times. So really eventhough junior life is so stressful that it makes me want to pull all my hair off, on the contrary, it's also the best school year ever. And I just want to say ROCK 'N BALLS \m/
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