Monday, February 17, 2014

Classes Don't Get Easier...The Time Challenge

We've made it through two years of high school…only two more to go. There really is so much to expect in
junior year, and sometimes it can seem so overwhelming. If we think back to our sophomore or freshman year, we watched the Juniors run around like crazy at times. It's a fairly stressful year, so knowing what to expect in junior year means being able to plan ahead to make your way through it unscathed.

When I was a freshman, I was a little envious of those upperclassmen. They seemed so big, so mature, and cool, right? Now I'm one of them. Where did the time go? Now I'm part of the upper echelon. I'm an upperclassman! While this means I've grown up a bit and "rule the school," I also now have even more responsibility to those coming next. I can be the one to offer advice. It becomes easier to show your faith on campus by leading by example, and underclassmen look to you to set that example.

I never really expected junior life as it is right now. When I was still an underclassman, whenever I see upperclassmen chatting and running around crazy and all, all I can think of is that their life is easier than ours. But that image was destroyed. I never expected junior life to be so stressful. I always sleep late because of the mountain loads of homework. I'm always stressed out emotionally and physically. We're asked to make this blog related to our junior life experiences in our English life. But I would also like to describe junior life in general.

From the classical play Romeo and Juliet, I've surely learned a lot of things from that activity. We were asked to act it out and surprisingly all of us did a great job. But that wasn't enough.

We had a radio drama and the theme assigned to us is horror. That time, we had a hard time making the script since it's really hard to scare people nowadays. Our group worked together and we finished the script and was able to perform it well.

Then there goes the oration. To be honest, I was a bit happy when ma'am said that we're going to do an oration. Want to know why? It's because since I was in elementary level, I was always asked to memorize poems and stories for competitions so I missed that memorizing stuff. I think I didn't have a hard time memorizing the piece. We are asked to choose the theme of our piece. I choose sex because oration about sex is cool and I like the topic. Almost all of us were able to deliver the piece well.

The next activity is the speech choir. It was hard to do this activity especially when almost all of us is hyper when we are planning for this activity. But in the end, we did a great job and finished/delivered a great performance although we didn't get the highest grade in our batch, we're still happy that we were able to perform it.

I really don't know what jazz chant is all about until Vince explained what it would be like. Among us, Vince is the one who really worked hard for this activity making him earn extra points in our grade.

And lastly, our most successful activity, the conventional speech. We're not actually sure at first if we can deliver the whole piece since we've been stuck in the first stanza for two weeks already. But one of my classmates suggested that we should move on to the next stanzas and leave the first stanza for polishing. Jochelle, Rain, Me, Cydney and Laurice are the ones who contributed a great part in this activity. We planned and think on how we are all going to deliver this considering that we're classified according to the pitch of our voices. What we did is we taught them how to say it first and while the four of us, Rain, Jochelle, Cydney and Me, planned for the other stanzas, Laurice is the one managing the class. She makes sure that everyone participates and speaks whenever asked to. She is also the one who approves of the things that the four of us think of. This activity is by far our most successful one. And I'm happy to brag that we got the highest grade among the batch. When ma'am announced it, I was so overwhelmed that I cried a little. Because all of our hard works, all of the scoldings that we did was really worth it after all.

So that's basically the major activities that we have done for the English subject this year.  To sum it up, all of these activities are really stressful but once finished/accomplished every single drop of your sweat is worth it.

Junior year is by far the most stressful, most wild and most happy year in high school. Well I think all will agree that there's really just too much homework given to us to be done in one night! So I'm pretty sure that all of us stays up all night not just because of Facebook, but also because of the shit load homework and projects.

I've had the most wonderful experiences ever and it all happened this school year. I did my first classical play, I did my first jazz chant, my first radio drama, my first and last SSG campaign and lastly I've made a lot of friends this year. These experiences, I believe had molded me into a better person and makes me strive harder next time. I always want to do my best in everything that I will do so that I will be satisfied with the results.

A lot of my 'first' really happened this school year and I'm not regretting anything that I did since all of it was
worth it. I've made a lot of friends this year that will surely be one of the most unforgettable things in my high school life. Especially the friends I've made during the campaign for SSG. I never even thought that we would be so close to each other that every single day I miss the moments that we once shared. In a short period of time, we were able to build a strong and tight bond among us. We all trust and support each other through the toughest times. So really eventhough junior life is so stressful that it makes me want to pull all my hair off, on the contrary, it's also the best school year ever. And I just want to say ROCK 'N BALLS \m/

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Please forgive me.

Bancaan Naic, Cavite
February 7, 2014

Dear Mom, 

          First of all, I want to thank you for everything you have done for me even though I'm always a pain in the ass and I somehow make our life a living hell.

          We've been through tough times and faced a lot of problems. All because of my wild and crazy behavior. I know that I shouldn't have acted like that especially towards you because all you ever did was care for me. All the things that you have done to me even though what you did was good, I always misinterpret it making my behavior towards you seem to becoming more and more rude. I want to apologize for all of the bad things I have done to you. If I were to count all the bad things I have done to you, I would expect it to be many. I have disrespected you a lot of times by talking back to you whenever I don't follow your orders. If I remember it right, I did rebelled to you a lot of times and eve threatened you that I won't be staying in our house anymore.

          If I would be given the chance to back in time, I would fix everything and I would treat you like every mother in this world should be. You were my first teacher, you taught and helped me in each and every step of my life as I grow older and older. You never failed to support me in everything I do. I really apologize for everything I have done to you.

Your daughter,

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Book I Write

"Special is a word that is used to describe something one-of-a-kind like a hug, or a sunset, or a person who spreads love with a smile or kind gesture.
Special describes people who act from the heart and keep in mind the hearts of others.
Special applies to something that is admired and precious and which can never be replaced.
Special is the word that best describes you ."– Teri Fernandez

 I believe that each and everyone of us is special in our own little ways. We just hardly notice it. But when we do, we always tend to think that what we possess, others also have making us think and feel that we're a useless piece of shit.

It is believed that a person's uniqueness is what makes each and everyone of us special. But just how do ou define unique?

Uniqueness in a person is seen to be something about them that makes them different from everyone else. This person has their own style and approach to life, perhaps in the way they dress and speak, their personality traits and the way they carry themselves. It is really someone who is confident in their own skin and their chosen path and someone who knows what they want. Having confidence in yourself certainly makes you seem very special in most people’s eyes.

“Special” is a quality either realized or in potential state that can be seen in a person.

I may not have that white skin which I'm pretty sure what every Filipina wants. But I'm proud of my tan skin, I believe it shows who I really am and it differentiates me from other people in other countries.

I am not that tall. Yes, before I really wanted to be tall just for the sake of being like other tall models or celebrities. But as time flies by, I've learned to love and appreciate my height. I may not be that tall but I'm proud to have this height. You don't really need to be tall just to be noticed by others. All you have to do is be yourself and let everything fall into place.

I am definitely not that smart. Yes teachers keep on saying that if we're not smart, how come we're already third years in one of the best schools  in the Philippines? I'm not saying that I'm not smart. What I'm trying to point out is that I don't need to be so smart like those kind of people who ace their tests and have no difficulty in answering almost all of the teachers question. But I not brainless. I know in myself that I also have what others have maybe theirs is only up a little notch than mine.

I am not that kind. Honestly, I even consider myself as a bully. I tend to playfully criticize my classmates but there are times that I think I'm overdoing end and just end up hurting their feelings. I'm the kind of person which tends to mess everything up instead of fixing it. I'm selfish and a terrible person.

Once we see the wholeness or the greatness in us, this is the time when we realize that we truly are special. It's not always about specialness in the context of realizing that you are special. Sometimes all we need is to trust ourselves and admit that we are great in our own special ways. Everyone wants to change, but change demands desire and discipline before it becomes delightful. There is always the agony of choice before the promise of change.

“If you celebrate your differentness, the world will, too. It believes exactly what you tell it—through the words you use to describe yourself, the actions you take to care for yourself, and the choices you make to express yourself. Tell the world you are one-of-a-kind creation who came here to experience wonder and spread joy. Expect to be accommodated. (11)” 
― Victoria Moran, Lit From Within: Tending Your Soul For Lifelong Beauty

Thursday, January 30, 2014

Prayer for my Parents

Dear God,
    Thank you for giving me this opportunity to thank you for all the blessings you’ve given me. Thank you for never failing to guide and protect me. And lastly, I want to thank you for giving me the parents that loves me and takes good care of me. For I believe that without you, we cannot do anything. With God, nothing is impossible.
     God, let this be a letter of appreciation from me to them. I may not be that vocal when it comes to thanking my parents but at least let this simple letter be a way to tell my parents how thankful I am to them.
     From the aloof little girl that I am, never even leaving my mother’s side anywhere she goes, to the stage when I slowly became more sociable and talkative, to the 10-year-old me that is so industrious even I couldn’t believe that I was that industrious back then, when I was in bullied back in my freshmen year to the present me; they never fail to support me.
     At this point in my life, I’m considered as a teenager that is open-minded. Yes, maybe sometimes I don’t completely act like it, but that’s part of life, right? As I’m growing up, I realize just how much my parents did for me. And, for that, I need to truly thank them – something I don’t think I’ve appropriately done to date.
     I know I’m not supposed to be choosing between my mom and dad but I really just couldn’t help it because it’s my mom who never left my side unlike my dad who left us when I was still 3 months old. But I’ll try my best not to make it a specific thank you letter.
     First of all, I want to tell them that I love them.
     I thank them for all the many, many happy memories. There is a lot of things I am grateful to them for. I just wanted to tell them how much they’ve meant to me as they’ve guided and loved me through my life. From very early on they taught me the importance of family, trust and love. They’ve taught me to value myself and to value others. They have taught me again and again to never give up and to follow my dreams. When I was sick or scared she would stay with me and pray with me. She taught me to laugh and to use my imagination. They shared their stories and always let me make up my own mind. They made every birthday and holiday perfect and special, just by bringing the family together.
     For loving me exactly the way am and telling me you’re proud of me. They have helped me become who I am through all the love and faith they have provided and all the amazing lessons they have taught.
     I have never felt a day where I was not loved by them. I have never lost sleep over wondering if they cared about me. I have never had a fleeting thought that they wouldn’t support me in my decisions, because they always tend to help me make them. I value their opinions, I respect their place in my life, and I thank them for all of it.
     Their hearts ache when mine does. Their smiles cover their faces when mine covers mine. Joy fills their hearts when they see that mine is full. They cry when I cry. They celebrate when I celebrate. That is what makes them great, world-class parents.
     They made mistakes along the way and that’s okay. They’re still only human. But quite frankly, they’re some of the best humans I’ve had the opportunity and privilege to know.
No matter what, I just wanted to thank them, and let them know that I love them and I thank you, God, for the amazing parents you have given me. You gave me the best parents in the world, though the imperfections, I still believe that I have the most wonderful parents.
I’m not trying to say they’ve yet raised the perfect woman and I probably haven’t always been the best daughter, but I want to just say thank you.
Thank you for all the things they’ve done. I simply cannot find enough words to say it.
“Thank you.”


Friday, January 24, 2014

No Regrets. Love Your Life ♥

My life is a series of ups and downs, but whose isn't? Having regrets is already part of life. Everyone has made poor choices or done something in their past that could possibly be labeled as "regrettable." But, think about it. The fact that we are now able to look back and realize that a mistake that has occurred means we have learned a valuable lesson. Some of my choices may have landed me in unpleasant circumstances that made me want to give up life, but experiencing these things certainly built my current character. I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for those character-building situations. Mistakes are stepping stones to an evolving life.

Yes I myself have a lot of regrets. But as I'm searching for the reasons why I regret those things, I realized that I really shouldn't regret those decisions for they have molded me into this kind of person. Well here are some of the things I regretted:

BEING A LAZY BONES. I wasn't really a lazy bone back then. I started becoming one when I reached my junior year. My classmates influenced me a lot which is weird since I've never been influenced by my classmates this much. I learned to love being lazy because being lazy for me means you have nothing to worry about. Just sit back, relax ad enjoy the roller coaster of life.

BEING NOCTURNAL. Yes I consider myself as a night owl since I rarely sleep before midnight. It was a lot tiring at first but as time pass by, I got used to it and instead of it giving me a hard time, it actually helps me. Staying up all night helps me finish my work with ease. Why is that so? It's because I never get sleepy even if it's already past midnight allowing me to finish my works.

JOINING C.O.C.C.  I never actually even considered as one of my "regrettable" decisions but while I was making this blog entry, I just popped out of my mind so I decided to include it. I have to wake up a bit earlier than my usual waking time and I have to speed up everything. I am even becoming more and more industrious since I can't do my homework at the school because of the training.

I have so many regrettable moments that I am now starting to love instead of regretting it up until now. I am learning to accept everything about myself especially my flaws which I am learning to love more and more each day. I wouldn't be living this life if it weren't for those stupid things I've done. When you're happy and contented with your life, no amount of pain, suffering, fear and regret can ever beat this happiness.

I am now trying to live a life with no regrets. I have to choose the right path to my destiny carefully because once I've achieved this, I cannot really blame myself  for making the wrong choices. Because then, I can always say that I am following my passion that's why I've go nothing to be afraid of.

We don't have to live life full of regrets if we just learn to move on and accept these things. We should learn to cherish every moment of every opportunities. Because our outlook will determine the course of our life. We should all renew our life and enjoy living it in the present.

"Make the most of your regrets; never smother your sorrow, but tend and cherish it till it comes to have a separate and integral interest. To regret deeply is to live afresh."
- Henry David Thoreau

Monday, December 30, 2013

Technology makes people dumb.

"Texting is apocalyptic on some level. It's a reduction of things." -Nick Cave 
“OMG”, “LOL”, and “IMHO” aren’t just Internet jokes, but ways that people today are legitimately communicating with one another. With the speed of emails and texting, users have become increasingly impatient with full sentences, leading to “G2G” instead of “I’ve got to go now.” The ease of this language is easy to see. In the middle of a busy day, or if you’re sneaking in a quick message at stoplights, it’s far more convenient to fire off a couple of letters rather than worry about scripting and punctuating an entire sentence. But what does this convenience mean for the state of our language skills?

Texting, in its nature, shuns grammar. To get out a message as fast as possible, people will lose punctuation,
sentence structure, and capitalization. Run-ons are as common as fragments. For those with phones that auto-correct, even spelling can be ignored because the phone does all the work. While this shortened language allows users to type more quickly via text messages, instant messages and social networks, students are increasingly having trouble switching back to traditional grammar when necessary.

Using text language while texting doesn’t necessarily mean a person doesn’t know any better; it’s a language of convenience. But those who are still learning, or who become unable to separate it from other activities, create the danger. Texting is simple, casual, and tends to be vernacular – something that can be spoken on the street. When this gets applied to emails, schoolwork, and business situations, a problem arises. The casual tone of texting can be misconstrued, and is generally considered not very professional.

I've been using my phone since I was in elementary. It didn't really affect that much of my English fluency because I don't really like to shorten words or make them in "Jejemon style." Another reason is that I think my hobby of reading a lot of books helps me maintain my English fluency. I think texting even helps me improve my English fluency because I will always be cautious of my grammar and my use of punctuation marks. There are times when I'm too lazy to type a reply, I tend to shorten words. But I don't think I'm stupid enough to let those words diminish my knowledge and fluency in English grammar.

Thursday, November 28, 2013


I am really thankful for the semestral break because the weight of all of my worries about homeworks and projects and a lot of school stuffs had been taken off my shoulders. I didn't want this semestral break to be as boring and as unproductive as I was when there was a long suspension of classes due to heavy rains. So I made a metal list of my to do things, plans and schedules for each day of the semestral break because I want to make every second of it count.

During the first few days of the semestral break, I slept in the am and woke up in the pm. My daily routine during the first few days of the semestral break was sleep in the am then woke up in the pm. Eat my brunch, take a bath, read a book or play badminton, change my clothes, eat my snacks, read a book or watch a movie, drink milk for dinner, brush my teeth, change my clothes, read a book or watch movies until I get sleepy. That's pretty much what I did so yeah, so much so for being "productive". 

Until one day I decided to break my routine because I was getting so bored. I still slept in the am but I also woke up early. I made my breakfast which is just me heating the hamburger that my aunt bought me and drinking milk. I also decided to take a bath early which surprises me and all the people in the house because I usually take a bath in the afternoon. I made some of my projects so I'll do less when the semestral break is almost over. I still read books and play badminton whenever I'm done doing my draft for my projects like the draft for my first blog.

I'm not sure if you're not suppose to have fun during All Saints Day but I sure did have fun. I woke up early and I was surprised to find myself that I was wearing a dress. Like seriously, I only wear dresses if I'm included in a wedding or whatever. So yeah I went to the cementery and I was surprised to see a lot of my service mates in the cementery. I went to some of my relative's tomb and offer a short prayer and a candle. I didn't get to visit my other relative's tomb because it is located on the upper part of the cementery. After visiting, we went straight home and watched some movies. I was thankful that I get to finish my first log and was able to post it.

The next few days I was doing my usual routine. But it's a bit different because I also scrolled through tumblr stalking people I don't know. I also watched some youtube videos. I also logged on to my twitter account to see what's the worldwide trend. When we went to the mall, I excused myself and went to my safe haven in the mall, National Bookstore and Fully Booked. I went to Fully Booked first since it's farther and enjoyed the serenity of the place while holding a book. I only stayed there for at least 10 minutes just to see if the book I was looking for there and mostly the rest of the 10 minutes was spent reading the summaries of some of the books that caught my attention. I did the same when I went in National Bookstore but this time I bought a book entitled "The Selection" by Kiera Cass. I wish I had bought the classics like "A Tale Of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens, "Wuthering Heights" by Emily Brontë or "Pride & Prejudice" by Jane Austen.

I really enjoyed the semestral break except for the fact that it should be longer because it literally felt like it was just a day. Wouldn't it be great if the semestral break lasted for at least 2 weeks because of the projects that can really drain the living soul out of your body.